At one time in my life I would correct anyone that said I was a camera collector; and I would tell them I was a repair person, and I only kept the cameras I used. Well that went out the window, and now I have somewhere in the range of 100-150 cameras spread all over my house. So, now I tell people that I am a collector, and that I mainly collect quality 127 film format cameras, TLR, and handy cameras that take good images. I hope to update this section with pictures, and write ups of the cameras and actual images made with the cameras, in my collection. So, come by often.
Oh, although I don't normally state this up front, I will make a trade of labor for a camera I am interested in. Or to put it more plainly, I will barter work for cameras I need to fill a hole in my collection.
Want List:
1) Nagel Pupille. I would prefer the Elmar version, but I will take any one I can get
2) Metered Sawyers Mk IV.
3) Metered Walz Automat 44.
4) Mentor Mentorette.
5) Working Primar Reflex
6) Ensign Multex
7) M39 Polaris Anastigmat lens for the Drucker Ranger Camera.

My nice and very trusty Leica Ic. I don't own this camera any longer, but I sure wish I did. To end my sellers remorse I procured a different camera, and it now serves as a dedicated wide angle camera.
The Zeiss Ikon Contaflex TLR, with Sonnar lens. This is a very nice example that actually works, and is one of my regular shooters. One of the more unusual things about this camera is that the viewing lens is an 8cm design, while the taking lens is a standard 5cm design???? How do they do that you ask. Well it is a TLR, so you see an image the same size as what would appear on the film, in this case--24mmx36mm, which is way too small to actually focus on. So they put on a longer viewing lens, and made the focus screen proportionally bigger. Damn those Germans are Clever.
Here is what Mckeown has to say about this camera:
"Contaflex TLR (860/24) - 1935. TLR for 35mm. 80mm viewing lens. Eight interchangeable taking lenses, 35mm to 135mm First camera with built in photoelectric exposure meter.
Using this Camera: Despite having the meter worked on and paying Henry Scherer a vast sum of money to fix the shutter and meter, the meter stopped working on the second roll of film which was outside the warranty period! So the great technological innovation of the meter was/is lost on me. The ergonomics are really fine, and it is quite intuitive to shoot. Advancing the film also tensions the shutter so it is fast to use just like any Rolleiflex or Yashica-Mat. The view finder is of the condenser lens type and it is bright clear to the edge, even in low light situations. The lens is as good as any un-coated Sonnar is, and so you have to shoot with the sun at your back, or get a white frame, beyond that, the color was quite nice, and the contrast is good.
If you don't follow the instructions for setting the shutter speeds, exactly as in the manual, you can un-cap the shutter curtains, and expose the last picture taken, when you advance the film. So you have to study the manual for a good long time, and use the camera to get a good feeling for it.
The one drawback to this camera is that it's quite heavy, and so your neck will get tired. But for the oh, ah factor alone, it is worth it!
A part of my collection. This is mostly some of my Zeiss collction, organized from left to right, Prewar, in increasing format size, the Z.I.C Sign, then post war in decreasing film format. Notable in this picture: Eho Baby Box, Forth Derby, Glarus Durlux, and Walz Automat 44. The Zeiss Ikon Cameras sign came from Hollywood Camera Store, in Portland Oregon. Ed Shoenecker the former owner, told me "that sign was there in 1953 when he went to work here." I believe it to be a Pre-War dealers perk. Oh, from left to right: Tenax II, Sonnar; Contaflex TLR; Kolibri with 5cm f:3.5 Tessar; Ikoflex II, type 2, with Tessar; Ikoflex Ib, Novar; Contax IIa and some lenses and finders: Contaflex Super.
Cameras For Sale:
I don't always have cameras for sale, but from time to time I do, and so to avoid high consignment fees, the big auction site, and local camera shops, trying to chisel me, I will be listing things for sale here. All you have to do is contact me, regarding what you want, and I will set it aside remove it for the site, and await payment. Heck, I am even open to you making offers on Price! I'm part Turkish rug merchant and like to haggle.
Rolleiflex Automat MX-EVS, Tessar lens, US $500
Bronica SQ, with 80mm f:2.8 lens, 150mm f:3.5 lens, 2xTeleconverter, and many extras. Picutres to come. $2000
This camera comes with boxes, manual and if I can find it, a original sales reciept.